Echipa editoriala Enterprise

Echipa editoriala Enterprise are in componenta sa trei persoane, avand o experienta de peste 25 de ani in turism si servicii. Camelia, Bianca si Mihaela se afla in spatele tastelor mai multor initiative editoriale, atat digitale cat si tiparite.

Pasiunea lor pentru calatorii este mare, iar atunci cand nu calatoresc, pentru a ramane la curent cu toate noutatile in materie de travel si leisure, citesc reviste de specialitate si petrec foarte mult timp pe plaftormele internationale de profil. Inspiratia lor pentru articolele de blog vine din calatorii si din bogatia culturala a celor peste 80 de tari in care Enterprise Rent-a-Car este prezent.

Cultura Enterprise este construita in jurul oamenilor si a calatoriilor, astfel ca pe blogul Enterprise veti gasi cu usurinta articole despre destinatii de familie, parcuri si rezervatii naturale, mancare, drumuri mai putin stiute, destinatii de weekend si modalitati de petrecere a timpului liber, transformand blogul intr-o revista digitala, gandita pentru a inspira si a incuraja cititorii sa porneasca in calatoriile cu adevarat importante.

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Travel tips December 2020
With the winter coming, we can expect colder and shorter days ahead. Day trips, sprinkled with pit-stops for a coffee or a delicious warm meal start t ...
Travel tips November 2020
Between May and July 2020, AMEX conducted a study compared to the previous year to find out what impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on the car rental in ...
Travel tips November 2020
Every season is our favorite! From the first signs of transition from one season to another, we begin to think about what surprises will offer us the ...
Travel tips October 2020
When it comes to travel, more and more of us turn our attention to destinations in Romania. Either due to restrictions or due to personal preferences, ...
Travel tips October 2020
For history and mystical landscapes lovers, a tour of the country can mean a tour of the castles and noble houses in Romania. And since such places ar ...
Travel tips October 2020
Despite all the existing restrictions, we still want to travel and rediscover the beauties of the country, but at the same time we want safe condition ...
Travel tips October 2020
More and more people are using mountain climbing as a form of disconnection and return to nature. Some practice it as a lifestyle and have already for ...
Travel tips August 2020
Of all the places worth mentioning on the “to visit” list in our country, the villages in Transylvania occupy a leading position. Maybe it ...
Travel tips August 2020
The new global context has made traveling abroad less accessible. At this point, given the restrictions, the options are more limited anyway. However, ...
Travel tips July 2020
Given the current circumstances, one of the safest travel options is a road trip in the country. We have often “skipped” opportunities to ...
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