Echipa editoriala Enterprise

Echipa editoriala Enterprise are in componenta sa trei persoane, avand o experienta de peste 25 de ani in turism si servicii. Camelia, Bianca si Mihaela se afla in spatele tastelor mai multor initiative editoriale, atat digitale cat si tiparite.

Pasiunea lor pentru calatorii este mare, iar atunci cand nu calatoresc, pentru a ramane la curent cu toate noutatile in materie de travel si leisure, citesc reviste de specialitate si petrec foarte mult timp pe plaftormele internationale de profil. Inspiratia lor pentru articolele de blog vine din calatorii si din bogatia culturala a celor peste 80 de tari in care Enterprise Rent-a-Car este prezent.

Cultura Enterprise este construita in jurul oamenilor si a calatoriilor, astfel ca pe blogul Enterprise veti gasi cu usurinta articole despre destinatii de familie, parcuri si rezervatii naturale, mancare, drumuri mai putin stiute, destinatii de weekend si modalitati de petrecere a timpului liber, transformand blogul intr-o revista digitala, gandita pentru a inspira si a incuraja cititorii sa porneasca in calatoriile cu adevarat importante.

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Travel tips October 2021
In this article we invite you to visit the European destinations that have hosted famous films such as Chocolate, Pride and Prejudice or Harry Potter. ...
Travel tips October 2021
Whoever decided that the summer would be only until August did not ask us if we agreed. Then we would have told him that we want it to always be summe ...
Travel tips August 2021
If August is the holiday month, then it’s time to pack up and head off. Known for its wild beaches, chic islands and taverns where you can serve ...
Travel tips August 2021
For this autumn we propose a holiday in Europe, where you can visit the most beautiful castles. We will pass through Sinaia (☺), Germany, Portugal, ...
Travel tips July 2021
Sometimes we want to be right there, on the beach, where the waves break or at the foot of the mountain and benefit from all the facilities of a hotel ...
Travel tips July 2021
Since July, Enterprise Romania has introduced rental cars and hybrid cars on its fleet. A big step towards a greener car park. The cars introduced are ...
Travel tips July 2021
Bigar Waterfall collapsed. The news saddened us and confirmed once again that “today” is the best time to plan your next trip. Don’t ...
Travel tips July 2021
A playground for powerful cars, the most beautiful roads in Romania invite you to test your driving skills. Transfagarasan, Transalpina, now the new V ...
Travel tips June 2021
The city on the Bega carries on its streets the influences of Europe’s Western part. A modern city for which it is worth taking a long drive and res ...
Travel tips June 2021
More time spent in the family is at the top of priorities for each of us. Having this in mind and especially for the little ones in the family, we loo ...
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