Travel tips  »  Must-see sights in Bucovina

Must-see sights in Bucovina

Must-see sights in Bucovina

Bucovina, a picturesque region in the north of Romania, is a fairytale place for travellers eager to explore the area’s cultural richness and natural landscapes. Known for its painted monasteries, enchanting mountain scenery, and authentic traditions, Bucovina is an unmissable tourist destination this autumn.

With a long history and a rich cultural heritage, Bucovina is a place where time seems to have stood still and authentic traditions and art that is still shining in all their splendour.

In this article, we invite you to discover the most fascinating sights of this region, explore the paintings of the old monasteries, soar in the beauty of the Rarău and Giumalău Mountains, get lost in the medieval fortresses, and enjoy the traditional gastronomy. With every step, you will feel the pulse of history and nature in this unique region.

Get ready for a real adventure in Bucovina, where you will discover the authenticity and beauty of a captivating part of Romania.

The painted monasteries – Treasures of Bucovina

One of Bucovina’s most remarkable features is its unique collection of painted monasteries, considered by many to be the treasures of its cultural crown. These architectural and artistic gems, with their walls decorated with colourful frescoes, have been recognised as part of the UNESCO World Heritage and represent a superb example of medieval religious art. Here are some of the most impressive painted monasteries in Bucovina:

VoroneÈ› Monastery – A Blue Masterpiece: VoroneÈ› Monastery is often called the “Sistine Chapel of the East” because of its beautiful, vibrant and expressive blue frescoes. The most famous image is the “Last Judgement”, which stands out for its unique Voronet blue colour. This monastery is an outstanding example of religious art and a true symbol of Bucovina.

SuceviÈ›a Monastery – The Fortress of the Angels: Sucevita Monastery impresses with its well-preserved frescoes, which include biblical stories, portraits of saints and an impressive “Family Tree of Jesus”. Also, the famous fresco of the Annunciation is an attraction for tourists from all over the world who choose to visit this place.

Humorului Monastery – Little Jewel with Cheerful Scenes: The Humorului Monastery, known for its tall bell tower and carved wooden gate, has walls wrapped in paintings depicting cheerful and lively scenes. This monastery is an example of optimism and joy expressed through religious art.

Medieval Fortresses – Unmissable Treasures of History

Bucovina is a region blessed with a rich history and spectacular mountain scenery, and its medieval fortresses are an important part of this cultural heritage. Two of the most notable fortresses in Bucovina are the Fortress of Suceava and the Fortress of Neamt, each with its own unique history and architecture.

Suceava Fortress – The Fortress of the Vojvod Ștefan cel Mare: Suceava Fortress is one of the most important tourist attractions in Bucovina. It was built in the 14th century and served as a fortress and residence of the Moldavian viceroys, especially Stephen the Great. To this day, the fortress preserves its medieval atmosphere and offers an imposing view of Suceava. Entering the fortress, you will feel the imprint of history and glory long past.

NeamÈ› Fortress – A Jewel of Medieval Moldavia: NeamÈ› Fortress, located near Piatra Neamt, is another impressive medieval fortress in the region. With origins dating back to the 14th century, the fortress was an important fortress of Moldavia and its walls preserve the memory of many historical events. Throughout the ages, it has been a place of refuge and a cultural centre. Today, visitors can explore its imposing ruins and admire the spectacular panorama of the surrounding mountains.

The Road of the Fortresses – A Journey into the Past: A trip to Bucovina is not complete without walking the “Road of Fortresses,” a route that takes you through some of the most fascinating medieval fortresses in the region. In addition to the Suceava Fortress and the Neamt Fortress, this trail will take you to other important fortresses, such as the RădăuÈ›i Fortress and the Marginea Fortress. Discover their impressive architecture, captivating history, and unforgettable views.

In conclusion, the trip to Bucovina is a journey into the heart of Romania, in a region where history and culture reach out to the past and the future. Painted monasteries, medieval fortresses, breathtaking nature, and the hospitality of the inhabitants make up a fairy-tale picture that will stay with you forever.

If you come to Bucovina, don’t hesitate to enjoy the traditional cuisine that will spoil your senses with the authentic flavours of true local culinary delights. Mămăliga, cabbage rolls, and cheese pies are just a few of the delicacies you must try during your trip.That being said,

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