Travel tips  »  How to prepare for a long road trip

How to prepare for a long road trip

How to prepare for a long road trip

Every time we prepare to go on vacation, there is one big challenge that arises:Β  the luggage! What to take with us and how to better organize ourselves for a long road trip?

We all went through the experience of the first vacation by car and we definitely wanted to have the checklist for a perfect luggage! And we are still looking for this perfect list! But until then, we have a few things to keep in mind before setting off on a long drive (rented):

Water bottle (s)

Hydration is very important regardless of the month we travel (not just during the summer). Especially when we go on a long ride, where gas stations or stores from which we can refuel are not so frequent. The most practical and ecological option are the reusable water bottles! These can also be taken on day trips or road trips, plus they are practical, environmentally friendly and take up less space in the car and there are fewer things to pack at the end, when you have to return the car!


Sometimes it’s hard to find an ATM in the city, especially since we often look for a certain bank! And when we talk about long rides in the country, where there are areas with no signal, it is important to have cash with us! In isolated areas (from Romania or any country) most of the time only cash payment is accepted. Thus, for more security, it is good to have a minimum budget for cash expenses.

Important personal documents

The documents of strict necessity are kept by many of us in our wallets. But it doesn’t hurt to have a re-check before we leave. Especially since we don’t want to find a few hundred kilometers from home that we forgot an important document in the other bag! And when you rent a car, it is important to check that you have all the necessary documents: car documents, insurance and don’t forget to buy the rovigneta!

Phone charger

A charged phone is better than one with a dead battery! Used as a co-pilot, a camera, a DJ or a common way of communication, our phone will be used to the maximum during the holidays! And the charger must be present in your luggage!

The medicine kit

In any rented car from Enterprise you will find the first aid kit with general purpose items: dressings, disinfectant, patches etc., which you can use at any time. However, we recommend that you prepare a small kit with the medications you may need: antineuralgics, stomach problems or anti-vomiting. And for the summer days, don’t forget about sunscreen!

Games to keep you busy on the road

A long road can be boring at some point. Therefore, a list of activities that involve or attract all passengers is always welcome! Whether we are talking about an audiobook or a recording from a stand-up comedy show or various games, they will make the time spent in the car seem shorter. Really: how many games can fit in one suitcase?

All the small but important things

There are a few things you think about only when you need them: umbrella, sunscreen (which we mentioned above), a raincoat, snow cover or a hat. Adding these items to your list could save you from any discomfort such as a sunburn.

Items that can increase comfort in the car

Yes, the long road means that you will spend a lot of time in the car. And comfort is very important, for obvious reasons. That’s why, on our list of essential items, we always add travel pillows, a baby carrier and a thermos with a hot drink!


Who can resist them? Passengers will certainly be delighted, and for the driver it is more reassuring when one knows that they can travel to the place established in the firsts for serving a hot meal. Whether we are talking about sandwiches, a selection of fruits, vegetables or peanuts, chocolates or sweets, you will be satisfied later for this choice!

The bag with all the bags

If we keep talking about snacks, let’s not forget a few bags in which to collect the related packaging!

What do you say, are you ready to plan your next long road trip? If so, come and discover our range of cars that will take you on your dream vacation, no matter how far away and in any weather or terrain. For any questions or details, do not hesitate to contact us on our website or on our social media channels: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

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